The yaw (direction), pitch (tilt) and roll values for the camera, plane and objects are defined as described in the following diagram.
Yaw values
Range from 0 to 360 where 0=North, 90=East, 180=South and 270=West. TerraExplorer Pro adjusts illegal values to this range by modulating the illegal number.
Pitch values
Range from -90 to +90 where 0 = horizon, +90 = straight up and –90 = straight down. TerraExplorer Pro adjusts illegal values to this range by modulating the illegal number.
Roll values
Range from -90 to +90 where 0 = horizon, +90 = full roll right and –90 = full roll left. TerraExplorer Pro adjusts illegal values to this range by modulating the illegal number.